Past Spring Cohort
Deborah Ann Mack s a luxury fashion brand for women who want uniquely designed quality garments. They sponsor an NGO, House of Ann, whose goal is to support women who are victims of domestic violence.
We helped Deborah Ann Mack:
Estimate the market size and create financial projects to determine the validity of the sales targets
Conducted customer research while relating it to the nonprofit House of Ann
Created a social media marketing campaign and identified opportunities for affordable promotions
Uncle Bobbie’s is a coffee shop and bookstore located in Philadelphia’s Germantown. It was founded by Marc Lamont Hill in 2017 to serve the community and provide books in a space where everyone feels valued.
We helped Uncle Bobbie’s:
Explore ways to scale up the business for future expansion
Identify various corporate structures and infrastructure to help prepare for future expansion
Created social media marketing strategies and identified opportunities for promotion
Estimated the market size of this venture and created financial projections
Thermaquil is a medical devices company developing a device to block overactive nerves without using drugs, electrical stimulation or causing nerve damage.
We helped Thermaquil:
Map out the patient journey and identify who pays at each level
Explore opportunities for branding and consider new partnerships
Estimate the market size of the business and create financial projections for the next 3-5 years
Snap Labs works to provide individual consumers and B2B companies a customizable cybersecurity training environment.
We helped Snap Labs:
Identify potential partnerships, potential markets, and consumer preferences
Design a more streamlined customer discovery process
Develop an effective social media strategy
Pink Social Strategies strives to create innovative and exclusive events such as product launches, client appreciation events, community outreach events, and internal events such as staff events to increase team unity.
We helped Pink Social Strategies:
Develop a pitch deck and investing materials
Create an effective social media strategy with branding opportunities within Philadelphia
Identify a list of partnerships in a COVID-19 world
Because Animals is an all-natural, cruelty-free sustainable pet product company making supplements and treats for cats and dogs. They prioritize pet nutrition that is environmentally friendly and ethical.
We helped Because Animals:
Develop a go-to-market strategy for the company to launch the dog food product in various cities
Design a more streamlined customer discovery process to execute the process on a faster timeline
Identify potential partnerships and ensure that parties are compatible with one another